
Tips for Throwing the Tastiest Labor Day Party Around

As moms and dads “labor” to get their kids ready for school (or yikes, college!) it can leave little time to attend, much less host a great Labor Day Weekend Party. But as we know, this is a great time of year to enjoy a gathering of friends and family. So don’t let your hectic schedules stop you from putting together some of the best, crowd-pleasing foods around for this celebration.

Tortilla Willow Tree Chicken Salad is easy to prepare and sure to be a crowd pleaser at Labor Day parties. Look for it on our recipes page.

The Most “Flexible” Party Food: Willow Tree Chicken Salad  

One of the greatest things about chicken salad is its flexibility. It can be rolled, wrapped, scooped, spread, stacked, and dolloped. This means you can team it with a number of different breads, rolls, wraps, and crackers, and you can prepare these sandwiches or appetizers in advance of your party. As always, we encourage you to review our safe handling guidelines for our chicken salad. 

One of our favorite party ideas is to make a chicken salad sandwich on a large round of foccacia. You can then slice it up to feed a number of guests from that one sandwich. You can also apply this idea to a long sub roll, French, or Italian bread. Make sure you have enough room in your refrigerator if you need to store them for a while. 

No time to assemble your own party platter? If you live in the Attleboro, MA area, you can order a party platter in advance, not to mention all of the other fine salads, barbecue chicken, and other foods you’ll find on our retail store menu

If you are a Willow Tree fan who is now living in a state where our products are not sold, you can always use our online shipping option. Keep in mind shipping costs will apply.


New Chicken Salad Recipe Ideas 

The other great thing about Willow Tree Chicken Salad is that it goes so well with an endless list of seasonings and foods that can be mixed into it. On our facebook page, we hear from fans who have their own delicious ideas, and we are always on the look out for new chicken salad recipes. 

  1. Catherine likes hers on a finger roll
  2. John likes his plain on wheat with bread and butter pickles on the side
  3. Christine likes hers straight out of the container (most popular answer)
  4. Rich likes his on a toasted salt bagel for a sweet and salty treat (great idea Rich!)
  5. Michelle likes hers on a whole wheat wrap with baby spinach and sweet potato chips
  6. Laurie sometimes mixes hers with curry powder, or walnuts and grapes over mixed greens (very gourmet!)
  7. Marnie spoons hers onto a saltine cracker and adds a drop of tabasco
  8. Georgiana puts hers on a salad
  9. Allyson likes hers on a bulkie roll with chips on the side
  10. Michael likes his in a wrap with lettuce, tomato, onion and black olives
  11. Stephanie likes hers on a bed or lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, and carrots
  12. Nancy likes hers with fresh-picked garden tomatoes 

In addition to our own recipes page, including more “how-to” videos, we have also pinned more chicken salad recipe ideas on Pinterest. If you make adjustments to the recipe, most can be used with Willow Tree Chicken Salad to make them less time consuming. 

If you live in an area where grocery stores carry Willow Tree Chicken Pie (but not the salads), such as New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut – you’ve got Labor Day Party options too. Our 8 oz. single serving pies are great for parties. Especially if you’ve got hungry guests hanging out at the end of a long day in the pool. Or they can share a 52 oz. family size. 

We hope that you have a lot of fun with family and friends over the long weekend.  And we thank you for making Willow Tree part of your celebrations.

Terrence Manning, Barber to the Patriots, Loves Willow Tree

Willow Tree: Terrence, the Willow Tree team thanks you for your mentions on Twitter! We’d like to know a little more about you, and where your appreciation for Willow Tree products comes from. Can you tell us a little bit about your background? 

Terrence Manning: We’ll it might surprise you to know that I am not a native New Englander. I’m actually from New Orleans and my family moved up to New England when I was a teenager. 

When I was in college on a basketball scholarship I started working at a barber shop in Providence. I feel like I’ve been a barber since I was 10. I became the barber for a number of basketball players from Providence College, and at one point Rick Fox was a client of mine when he was with the Lakers. Eventually I opened my own shop in Attleboro and I now have a number of Patriots as clients, as well as some celebrities.

Willow Tree: Who are some of the folks you’ve had as clients? 

Terrence Manning: Teddy Bruschi, Junior Seau, Cory Dillon, Rodney Harrison, Kevin Faulk, Bill Bellamy, Larenz Tate (from Rescue Me), and Diggy Simmons.

Willow Tree: That’s very cool Terrence. So tell us about your history with Willow Tree, and what makes you such a big fan. 

Terrence Manning: I had never had any chicken salad until I moved up here, and I have to say that when I first tried it (not Willow Tree’s, just chicken salad in general) I didn’t like it. I always thought it was pretty tasteless. Then an ex-girlfriend of mine got me into Willow Tree Chicken Salad. She loved it. I gave it a try and I was hooked. This has to be the best chicken salad I’ve had in my life! I don’t know what you put in it, but it’s amazing.

Willow Tree: That’s great Terrence. Have you tried any other Willow Tree products? 

Terrence Manning: Eventually, I went to your store and tried the chicken pie as well. I love that too. What’s different about it is that it tastes so fresh. Now I bring the chicken salad to work for lunch. Usually I put it on a wrap with lettuce and tomatoes. The chicken pie makes a great dinner.

Willow Tree: You seem pretty busy. What do you do while you’re waiting for your Willow Tree Chicken Pie to cook? 

Terrence Manning: I’m usually blogging while it’s cooking. I always recommend Willow Tree to every one of my friends. I won’t eat any other kind of chicken salad!

Willow Tree: Thank you Terrence! And much continued success with your salon.
