Yogurt and Berries Blogger Reviews Willow Tree Chicken Pie with Classic Vegetables

Willow Tree thanks Bridget at Yogurt and Berries for her thoughtful review of Willow Tree Chicken Pie with Classic Vegetables. Visit Bridget’s blog here: http://yogurtberries.blogspot.com/2012/08/willow-tree-farm-chicken-pie.htm 

We have posted her review below:

For some reason, chicken pot pies are never something I think of making, or even buying for that matter.   I don’t know why though, they are the epitome of comfort food, and it let’s you have “pie” for dinner! Recently, the nice people at Willow Tree Farm asked if I’d like to try out their chicken pot pies to review, and I gladly accepted.  Willow Tree is a local family owned and operated company out of Attleboro, MA specializing in chicken…especially chicken pies and chicken salad. In most grocery stores around New England you can find their chicken pies in the freezer section and their chicken salad at the deli. I selected their Chicken Pie with vegetables which had carrots, peas, and green beans.

Preparation is simple, place the pie on a baking sheet and bake for 1hr 15min.  I took the suggestion on the box to brush the crust with milk first to give it a nice golden brown finish. Before we knew it, dinner was ready.  We had simple side salads to go with our meal.  The pie technically has 3 servings but if it’s your main course I would say it feeds 2…we had no problem eating the whole thing.

Unlike some chicken pot pies this one only has a top crust which I really like!  Most of the time I feel like the bottom crust is just a filler and gets soggy anyways…this also keeps the calories down a bit. I really enjoyed the big hunks of white meat, and the filling was nice and salty…in a good way, at least I thought so.  The crust was crisp and golden brown..good, but not as tender and flaky as it could of been. I’d love to see them make a pie with just real butter and/or olive oil, instead of the shortening and soy or palm oils, but that would be my only gripe.

This would be a perfect meal for a brisk fall or winter day when you want something homemade but don’t have the time.  Throw one of these pies in the oven, go do your other tasks around the house, and dinner’s ready!

If you live in the area you can also check the Willow Tree Farm retail store  in Attleboro where they that pies, chicken salad and so much more!  I love their seafood salad and wish I could eat it more often, and they also make an awesome buffalo chicken dip which I ate copious amounts of at a friends house on Superbowl Sunday 🙂

They also have fresh turkeys you can order for the holidays…my “house Thanksgiving” 2 years ago used a Willow Tree bird and it was delicious.

Big thanks to Willow Tree Farm for providing me with the chicken pie!

Disclaimer: I received a coupon for a free chicken pie, but all opinions are always my own.

Do you rely on frozen meals sometimes??  As much as I love cooking everything homemade as often as I can…I also have to be realistic in that I keep my schedule pretty jam packed which leaves very little time for dinner some nights.  However, when I do by frozen foods I always makes sure the ingredient list is good and not filled with crap or chemicals 🙂

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